has put together a list of the 15 Best-Paid Celebrities. I probably don’t even have to tell you that OPRAH WINFREY tops it.
-She made $275 million over the past year … (—From June of 2008 to June of ‘09.)
-Here’s the complete list …
#1.) OPRAH WINFREY, $275 million
#2.) GEORGE LUCAS, $170 million
#3.) STEVEN SPIELBERG, $150 million
#4.) MADONNA, $110 million
(tie) #5.) CELINE DION, $100 million
(tie) #5.) JERRY BRUCKHEIMER, $100 million (—He produces the “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “CSI” franchises, among other things.)
#7.) BEYONCÉ, $87 million
#8.) JERRY SEINFELD, $85 million
#9.) DR. PHIL, $80 million
(tie) #10.) TYLER PERRY, $75 million
(tie) #10.) DICK WOLF, $75 million (—He created the “Law & Order” franchise.)
(tie) #10.) SIMON COWELL, $75 million
(tie) #13.) BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, $70 million
(tie) #13.) HOWARD STERN, $70 million
#15.) HARRISON FORD, $65 million