I recently joined a wonderful organization, called KO4G that puts on female boxing events and other fundraisers to raise money to help women, underprivileged girls and those in need. I’m very excited! I would LOVE your help for my next project with them. I’m collecting books for KO4G to bring to shelters, low income schools and daycare centers. If you have a book you can donate, please mail them to the address below no later than May 11th.
Please send any used or new books for any age group.
(No religious books – most centers are not allowed to have them.)
Natasha Yi
Attn: Book Donation for KO4G
7510 Sunset Blvd. #1444
Los Angeles, CA 90046
I saw one of my best friend’s ad on the streets of San Francisco.

I got a brand new camera for my birthday. I was testing it out on my toes. 😛

Still testing … I picked out those red converse. 😛

Is this for real??

Indeed, the dog is real!

I have to admit, I was intimidated at first by this dog’s massive size. I realized ten seconds into meeting him that he was the sweetest doggie ever!

This dog is WAY TOO COOL!

So many things brought me joy as I was walking around San Francisco. But hugging this dog was one of my most joyful moments.

Meditating . . . it keeps me at peace.

Just chillin . . . my feet started to ache.

I lost my brush, so I was using my fingers to comb my hair. 😛

Up close and personal . . . does this shot make my nose look big? 😛

After a day of walking the streets of San Francisco, I found this beautiful fountain of water to meditate next to. It was a great way to end the day!

Thinking about what I should do next …

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