Watch me host this birthday party online and get bizzy in the mix! You heard of the “Ones & Twos”? I got MY OWN STYLE on the “Ones & Toes”!!!!!! LOL
If you can’t make it to the gym, don’t worry . . . You burn 100 calories in an hour and forty minutes if you just SIT THERE AND DO NOTHING.
–Obviously, that won’t help you get in SHAPE. But doing more HOUSEWORK might. Here are ten chores and how long you have to do them to burn 100 calories. Keep in mind that WALKING SLOWLY burns 100 calories in about 25 minutes.
#7) IRONING: 45 minutes.
#6) COOKING: 36 minutes.
#5) GENERAL HOUSE CLEANING: Just picking up around the house burns 100 calories in about a half an hour.
#4) VACUUMING: 26 minutes.
#3) SWEEPING: 22 minutes. And mopping burns even MORE calories because you have to deal with the heavy bucket of water.
#2) GARDENING: 20 minutes.
#1) MOWING THE LAWN: To burn 100 calories, you only have to do it for 14 minutes. But obviously, that’s only if you have a PUSH mower, not a RIDING mower.
Darin is not only a master cartoonist, he’s also amazing with watercolor! Check out his latest painting. 😀
Please tell me it isn’t so! Oh no . . . They did it. Here’s a photo of the cast of the Asian Jersey Shore, “K-town”. I’m not so sure what to think about this. I have mixed feelings. I’m Korean, so if this is going to be just a slam on Koreans and make the community look bad, I won’t like it. But I guess I have to be fair and give it a chance. Watch the trailer here and tell me what you think.
Thanks for sharing this video Leo! 😉
This morning’s workout . . . .
Find more from the ‘Nat’s Adventures Series’ at
I took my niece to watch Toy Story 3 this past weekend. LOVED it!! We saw it at the IMAX in 3D. I was amazed by all the detail that went into this animation. Incredible work visually and the story was endearing. Ken’s fashion show was hilarious .. LOL .. wish I would’ve watched the first two when it came out!
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