Get Ready!

Get ready for NATASHA YI-TUBE on the YAZOOK network … August 1st …



Click on image below for 1600 size wallpaper


Overweight or Underweight?

If you had to pick one, would you prefer to date an overweight or underweight body type? Please chose only one or the other. There are no in between answers. This is a very important survey I’m conducting. Thank you. 😀





What is YAZOOK?


JV and I are launching YAZOOK August of 2011. It is an Internet TV Station that will start with 3 shows that we will host. We will announce a full line-up in 2012. In the meantime, get ready for YAZOOK!!!


Wife Chops Off Husband’s Penis

A woman’s wrath is not to be dealt with lightly.  Catherine Kieu Becker is under arrest for chopping off her husband’s penis and tossing it in the garbage disposal.  I hope whatever he did was worth it.  OUCH!

Poster Pack


Get 6 full size, high quality posters for one special price! I will personally autograph 6 of my favorite posters just for you!

Wallpaper: Yellow Top


Harold Wrote:
What is your fitness regime?

Natasha Yi Responds:

It depends. Lately I am like a yo-yo. One week I will run for an hour, hit the weights for 20 minutes, workout my abs for another 20 minutes and eat as healthy as I possibly can. I’ll look in the mirror by the end of the week and say, “Wow, look at my abs!” Then the next week, I will eat breakfast a few times, have a few lunches, eat a ton of cookies and other snacks, have a big old dinner and then end the night with a box of popsicles.


Harold Wrote:
If you could do 1 illegal thing and suffer no consequences what would it be?

Natasha Yi Responds:

I think it would be cool to rob a bank. I pick a bank because all of the money is insured. I would not want to hurt anyone … but definitely scare a few people. Then a high-speed chase would be cool. I would want it live on t.v. I’d also want someone to call the television stations and say, ” I think that’s Natasha Yi”! Then the next caller would say, ” No man she wouldn’t do something like that!! ” LOL


Oscar Wrote:
What is the worst thing to say on a 1st date?

Natasha Yi Responds:

It would have to be, “So, what did you have to eat so I can see who owes what.”


Pete Wrote:

Do you have any superstitions?

Natasha Yi Responds:

I am not superstitious except on Friday the 13th. On that day, I won’t walk under a ladder if a cat has just crossed in front of my path. I also won’t step on any cracks in the sidewalk unless I have a lucky rabbit’s foot in my left foot and a four leaf clover in the right. Lol …


partner23 Wrote:

What do you most value in your friends?

Natasha Yi Responds:
Selflessness. The thing I love to see in ANYONE, especially people around me, is their desire to put others first.


James Knight Wrote:

Do you have any pets? What kind?

Natasha Yi Responds:

I have two dogs. A miniature American Eskimo named Tessa and a Pomeranian named Miss Tickles. You can like their fanpage at (yes, they really update their page themselves lol )


PAS Wrote:
Do you have any birthmarks, scars or tattoos? Please state “what”, “where”, “how noticeable?”


Natasha Yi Responds:
I have two tattoos. One on my lower back that I got right after the first time I rode my motorcycle across the Golden Gate bridge. I earned my wings to fly! 🙂 My favorite tattoo can only be seen when you lift my hair off of the back of my neck. Because I am an Aries on the cusp of the Pisces sign, I have a beautiful stone tablet emblem that combines the two signs. When you see me out, ask me to show it to you.

RUKUS Magazine

Get your personalized autographed copy of my RUKUS MAGAZINE cover inside my store now!


It’s all about the RUKUS!

I’m on the cover of RUKUS Magazine this month! Be sure to pick up your copy on newsstands now!

My $50 RAID Infested Apple

It’s official! I’m a dummy!  I did it again! URG!  I went to Whole Foods and spent $72.58 on one bag of fruits & veggies! (…okay….plus a burrito & a slab of halibut …. but that is besides the point!)


I thought I was paying higher prices at Whole Foods for cleaner, non chemically contaminated, better tasting food!? WTF?  Does anyone know why Whole Foods cost so much more when the produce still taste like it got marinated in RAID?

Video Snapshot1a


After taking a bite of the RAID infested apple the other day, I did look into a local farm.   They will begin delivering fresh, organic items to me starting this Tuesday!!! WOO HOOO!! I’m SOO excited!  It was super cheap too!  I’ll be sure to let you know how that goes.  In the meantime, I’m going to TRY and enjoy this other highly contaminated apple.  :-\


Green Lantern Game Giveaway

I’ve teamed up with DC Comics & Warner Brother Movies to give away a collector’s item from the GREEN LANTERN movie! Go to: … click LIKE … more instructions to follow! Good Luck!

July BFOTM: My Importfest Fam


I’d like to dedicate the month of October to my Importfest Family!  I returned to Canada this year to celebrate their 10 year anniversary.  I’m honored to be named Miss Importfest once again!  Importfest Rocks! Don’t miss next year!!


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