These things always seem like nonsense, but according to “Men’s Health“, the position you sleep in at night could reveal certain things about your personality.
–Researchers surveyed 1,000 people and watched them sleep. Here are the five most common positions, and what they mean.
#1.) The Fetus Position. It’s the most popular position, and 41% of the people who were studied prefer it. Here’s what it means:
–If you sleep on your side, people think you’re tough, but you’re actually shy and sensitive. And it might take a while before you warm up to strangers, but once you know them you’re much more relaxed.
–There’s also one health concern: If you sleep on your LEFT side, it can put stress on your liver, stomach, and lungs. So sleeping on your right side is better.
#2.) Sleeping on Your Side, But Not Curling Up. It means you’re social and easygoing. But you also tend to trust people too much, so you’re easy to take advantage of.
#3.) The Yearner Position. It’s when you sleep on your side with both arms out in front of you . . . kind of the way Frankenstein looks when he walks . . . and it means you’re open to new things, but also suspicious and cynical.
–It takes you a long time to make decisions. But once you do, you don’t change your mind very easily.
#4.) Sleeping on Your Stomach. People who sleep on their stomach with their hands above their head are good at making quick decisions . . . but sometimes that results in BAD decisions. And they tend to take criticism personally.
#5.) The Soldier Position. It’s when you sleep on your back with your arms out at your sides, and your legs slightly spread. If that’s you, then according to the study you’re quiet and reserved, but you expect a lot out of yourself and others.
–And there’s also a good chance you snore, since sleeping on your back makes it harder to breathe. You’ll sleep better . . . and so will the person next to you . . . if you flip over and sleep on your stomach.
–Plus, sleeping on your stomach is better for digestion.