Shot the campaign for Kandy-Krush’s brand new line. I asked them if I can grab a couple dresses to give away … they said yes!! …so look out for that real soon!!

Let go of needless worries & old wounds. Every moment of your life you are either growing or dying … & when you are physically healthy, it’s a choice, not fate.

I totally forgot about my shoot with Wells Fargo last year. Someone sent me one of the shots they’re using right now. I’m shopping. LOL Be sure to look out for other ads I’m in right now! 🙂

Hair drying technique: Whipping your hair back & forth. 😛

When you get your new PS3, you will find me inside! Look for my wallpaper “theme” and send me a pic! I wanna see it!! 😀 Tell a friend! Help make my theme #1 !

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