Follow Sher and I as we demonstrate the proper way to perform the lying down dumbbell press exercise. Do you think I’m ready to be a world class female bodybuilder? Errrrrr 😛
Complete your ab workout on the Roman Chair.  DAMMN! Check out those leg kicks! Watch out! I will hurt you! 😛 Woo Hoo!
you go girl! wanna arm wrestle? LOL! I hope you are joking about that world class body building shit! Toned but PLEASE not muscular!
*sigh* You’re so sexy and adorable.
Please don’t get guns!
I’m with Don, toned is best 🙂
Its good that you’re getting fitter, learning and having fun, but you are PERFECT as you are now. Being too muscular will also make you tight & less flexible. I don’t need to tell u all this though. 🙂
It’s good for women to stay in fit. ^_^
You can hurt me anytime!
Always enjoy watching Natasha sweat. 🙂
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