Ernestine Shepard is 73 years old and is in the Guinness Book of World Records’ as the oldest female bodybuilder. She spends her days running, lifting weight and working out other senior citizens in Baltimore. She started working out at age 56 when she found herself trying on swimsuits and not being happy with what she saw. SInce then, she’s been dedicated to the game and healthier and happier than ever! What an inspiration!
I wish my arms and everything else looked that good 🙁
Man does she put me to shame! Beautiful lady!
She is in great shape, hope you always look sexy Ms. Yi! stay forever beautiful and young! 🙂
Wait–is that really a picture of her??? Man, I would vote for her for President of the U.S., regardless of her political offiliation, if only because I (as a man) would gladly sacrifice my life on the battlefield at her command.
And this is coming from a white guy!
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