
What Each Kiss Means

–  Kiss on the Stomach: I’m  ready.

–  Kiss on the Forehead: I missed you…

–  Kiss on the Cheek: Long time no see…

–  Kiss on the Hand: You’re mine!

–  Kiss on the Neck: I want to be with you…

–  Kiss on the Shoulder: You mean so much…

–  Kiss on the Lips: I love you


–  Holding Hands: You’re mine.

–  Touching on the Butt: This is mine!

–  Holding you tight pressed against each other: Don’t let go…

–  Looking into each others Eyes: I trust you!

–  Playing with Hair: Let’s fool around.

–  Arms around the Waist: Be close to me.

–  Laughing while Kissing: You are perfect with me!


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