Dear even with “healthy” ingredients diet pills are very bad for the body, they really confuse your system and stop it from working efficiently, requiring you to use them again in future to maintain your wait. Also this formula has very hot herbs in it that create excess heat in the body. The only good way to maintain your health is to eat simple cooked foods, with meals at consistent times per day, and especially remove all sugar, and caffeine from your diet. If you don’t do those 2 things at least you will never be able to maintain a slim figure without the dependence on diet pills.
If you are easily putting on weight even when you eat sugary foods, its a sign of a pathology in your bodies digestive system, this needs to be resolved with balancing foods and herbs, not with pills that only have the goal of weight loss.
Dear even with “healthy” ingredients diet pills are very bad for the body, they really confuse your system and stop it from working efficiently, requiring you to use them again in future to maintain your wait. Also this formula has very hot herbs in it that create excess heat in the body. The only good way to maintain your health is to eat simple cooked foods, with meals at consistent times per day, and especially remove all sugar, and caffeine from your diet. If you don’t do those 2 things at least you will never be able to maintain a slim figure without the dependence on diet pills.
If you are easily putting on weight even when you eat sugary foods, its a sign of a pathology in your bodies digestive system, this needs to be resolved with balancing foods and herbs, not with pills that only have the goal of weight loss.
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syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting elseif (T_ELSEIF) or else (T_ELSE) or endif (T_ENDIF)