I met up with Vietnam Tom this afternoon in San Francisco. I’m glad he shut up that bully!
Believe it or not, he is a very sweet man. He was crying to me because of his mother that just passed. I’ll have some footage from this afternoon later. Here’s the video from the fight on the bus.

Young guy was looking for an ass whopping
That young fellow was lucky that is all he got. Cuz I remember when I was asked in the service why did I join the infantry…and the only right answer was “To KILL!” I think that VET knew in his heart from past experiences of war and killing that there is nothing a street punk can do to him that he probably hasn’t seen first hand! In a Soldiers Mind Everyone is GREEN!! I personally didn’t care what color the other fellow in the foxhole is as long as he can kill and cover my back….WHHHOOAAA!
hahaha i love it how at the end of the video the bus bench ad says “keep our city clean & SAFE..Lol
HAHAHAHAHHAH thats u get for tryin to pull that same ole BULLSHIET prejudice card out of ur hat,,,n u got ur ass handed to u,, BY GRAMPS ^__^ u you grandpa! teach them punks not to fcuk around they all think theyre big n bad until they get showed up.. or in this case BUSTED up..lol…n btw the person holdin the camera,, u CANT press charges,,stupid ass dont u know anythng bout law?? it was self defense and if anythng u’ll get charged for tryin to boost/ agonizing the fight and fillin ur friend with hot air… but gramps pulled the plug on that hit air balloon…
that dude got what was coming to him, a total ass whooping!
It serves the dumbass big mouthed punk right to get his ass kicked by the old man. The idiot should have stayed in school at least until grad 4 and maybe he’d be smart enough to shut up and loose the chip on his worthless coward’s shoulder. He’s lucky it wasn’t me because he’d still be in hospital recovering.
First of all, here’s my question to this video. What’s the purpose of a fight? There’s no real reason why people should fight in the first place! Cause that shit leads to violence and one of them will end up in prison for assault.
I feel sorry for the black dude getting beat up by a old white guy.
I am a Criminal Justice graduate. So I do know the law the black man was at fault. He did hit Vietnam Tom first. Tom was in his rights to fight back. Also the black man on tape said he was going to kill him but calling him the “N” word. So there is a terroristic threat. I am now studying Homeland Security as well. I also was in the Army like Vietnam Tom except I was in recently not during Vietnam. Also the black man should have just kept his racism comments to himself. And also Tom went to the front of the bus to diffuse the situation. The black man persisted and then hit Tom. If this went to court I would like to see what the jury decided.
Natasha Yi if Vietnam Tom is your freind tell him to read these messages. Also tell him good job from one soldier to another.
Sappers Lead the Way
oh that dude got a beat down!!!! old man got some bite to him
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