Anyone watch this movie? If you have, please tell me … What did you think of it? Were they on drugs? Were the bugs all in their head or did the guy originally have a situation with the bugs? Was it a mental thing? WTH??? I’m still confused.
Natasha that BUG film looks good I dont know what’s going on but I’m gonna buy it thx!
Looks like a twisted movie Natasha,too bad your not in the movie you like twisted movies.
Good film, saw it yrs ago. And, i think it was all in their minds.
syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting elseif (T_ELSEIF) or else (T_ELSE) or endif (T_ENDIF)
Natasha that BUG film looks good I dont know what’s going on but I’m gonna buy it thx!
Looks like a twisted movie Natasha,too bad your not in the movie you like twisted movies.
Good film, saw it yrs ago. And, i think it was all in their minds.
ParseError thrown
syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting elseif (T_ELSEIF) or else (T_ELSE) or endif (T_ENDIF)