This is very sad the lengths people will go to get a certain look. Hopefully others will learn from this horrific story not to mess around with what mother nature gave them.
Here’s the story from Outbreak News below.
A woman paid $700 to a Miami Gardens tranny for a butt augmentation. The yet unidentified woman was unfortunately injected with a dangerous concoction of cement, glue and tire sealant. It was then sealed with super glue.
The “cosmetic procedure” was performed not in a clinic, but at a residence in Miami Gardens.
The result, as you can imagine, was disastrous. The woman ended up with a MRSA wound site infection and a case of pneumonia.
Police arrested 30-year-old Oneal Ron Morris (pictured) for practicing medicine without a license and causing bodily harm.
This is not the first time an incident like this has happened. Usually the injected substance is caulk or industrial-grade silicone. Of course, none of these items are approved for use anywhere in the body and usually result in serious infections and sometimes death.

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