“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” – Marilyn Monroe

What does that mean? If you mean everything is destiny/fate – NO. Every “effect” is a result of something we do or don’t do/ think or don’t think either on an individual scale or a collective scale. Since we can only really control what we do…then we can chose to create whatever we want – if we have the influence or impact to do so.
As long as we see opportunity in “misfortune” we will be able top glide through life and create the happiness we want.
For the things we can’t effect, then its still our decision as to how we react to it…positively or negatively – its our choice.
Damn! So true! Thanks for the quote. Beautiful photo
@Tigger Do you believe there is such thing as destiny or following a path? Or something in the universe leading you to something? I always thought everything is due to the combination of energies that is put out into the universe. Maybe I’m wrong … who knows.
I certainly believe things happen for a reason.
Wow good question. My belief at least – is that we are in this world to experience and create – and to learn something new and specific to this life that we could not learn in previous lives – or that we missed. To know the yin and yang of everything is a huge part of it…if we don’t know one side how can we know the other? But how can we say which side is good, or bad, which side is dark or light, until we experience both? My feeling is that the universe is calling our souls to its fullest potential…to its fullest and strongest expression of its power in this world…unconditional love. To give love to anything and everyone without expectations or conditions…to understand and know our potential when we have no fear…that is our path, our destiny. Fearlessness of result, reaction, outcome, future…if we have that we can be anything, create anything, do anything. I know cause I’ve been in that state…i.e. real love. Love is a state of being not an emotion. It is truly a state of our being. I’ve also felt the opposite…and thats life too. YES everything within our sphere of influence is due to the energy/thought/action that we put out…but each of those energies, thoughts, actions are choices…they are our intention whether we are conscious to it or not. So in each moment WE chose to have a positive thought, to make a positive action, to speak a positive word or NOT…but that is not destiny or fate, it is not a hidden power that is “done” to us…it IS us, we create it. Its our choice to do, say, think as we do and create the consequences in our life. We have the ability and energy to create everything we wish for…do we do it…usually no…but thats part of the experience. Whatever it is its an amazing ride…and all of it is good, ALL of it is beneficial even “death” cause thats simply a perception, a conditioned “belief”…based on total ignorance of experience. Life is perfect, everything we could imagine it to be…no matter what happens. 🙂
Sorry for the crazy long answer.
Oh and btw real love doesn’t always mean gentle and nice….it often means saying something “taboo”, something “hurtful”…i.e. something people don’t want to hear. Most importantly the things WE don’t want to hear. Without that “hurt”, “shock”, “tearing down” of our ego, what would we really learn of ourselves?
Yes the universe is leading me to something else…some goal or path…i.e. a purpose that we all seem to be looking for. BUT its also leading me to unconditional LOVE, to letting go, to just “being”. If all of us could just DO THAT, EMBRACE that…i.e. LOVE for EVERYTHING…what would be the outcome in this world? Could it be harmony? So if we actually DID that would we need to find our destiny….our purpose then, would need to “understand” things that just “happen” in this world? Its up to US and nobody else…there is a higher power…but he is NOT pulling the strings…he is waiting for US to pull them. Will we?
I believe some people may come into our lives to help teach us specific lessons, and/or perhaps to correct our course.
I’d have to be incredibly stubborn to believe things never happen for a reason. I’ve had too many things occur in my life that suggest otherwise.
say again you must love me
and its true & real
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