I read about a Malaysian teacher who forced his student to smoke 42 cigarettes in two hours, four in his mouth at a time, as punishment for smoking. Another teacher made almost 140 teenage girls squat in a pond at a boarding school as punishment for clogging the toilets. Not sure if that is the best way to handle things, but I guess it is one way to get a kid not to smoke or clog up the toilet! ..LOL..
What’s the most extreme way you were punished growing up?

The 80s was a time of big hair, big shoulder pads in woman’s clothing, and big belts. In my mother’s case, a big, thick, leather belt. Even though I was a good child, I was still a child. So I felt that big thick belt more than I wish to remember, lol.
I skipped school with six friends in high school and we got busted, the punishment was a choice of 21 detentions or seven wacks. I chose the seven wacks and the vice principal lifted me off the floor with the third hit! These were 1" thick wooden paddles with holes them! Mother F**ker HURT!
By the way….I’d like to get a hold of those feet! :0)) LOL!
Greetings, Lil Tasha. It’s your favorite Chicagoan! My worst punishment was probably not being able to watch tv for 3 months, no company for 3 months, and no phone calls, all because I had a (very) suspect report card in jr high! I still managed to break all of those rules, after a week.
Anyway, we haven’t spoken lately. Miss ya…a little.
Growing up in a Korean family there was plenty of extreme punishment , i think all Asian cultures in general fuck you up when you do something wrong. haha Well anyway my MOST extreme punishment was probably when i was 9 or 10 . I forgot to do 1 chore around the house , and my grandma got really pissed off. When you think about getting spanked , you automatically think your going to get hit on your ass. But my grandma used to hit me on my palms and bottom of my feet. That shit is no joke , VERY painful she didnt use a ruler or anything like that . I got hit with thin bamboo she used to grow in the backyard. But in the end i still love my grandma.
Well, I was in trouble allot as a kid so I was always getting punished. The most common was kneeling on un-cooked rice for 20 min, this is why when ever someone offers me rice I punch them in the ear..but the worst, when i was really bad, my mom used to make me watch the whole 30 min. of the show M.A.S.H…i used to cry for hours afterwards. I have to call my pschycaitrist now…….
I remember when I would do something bad my grandmother would make me go up to the woods and get a switch (small flexible stick). If I got one that was too small she would smack me in the leg or something with that one and then make me go get another one and then smack me with the new one.
At first this may not sound like a punishment, but believe me it was.
I was seven or eight at the time. We were staying at my grandfathers summer house for the, eh, summer. I was playing around in the garden with an old tent I had found in the attic days before. Countless times, or so I was told, I was asked to put it away. That I would damage it, rip it. I did not.
The wind picked up ferocity through the afternoon. After dinner light drizzle turned into pounding hammers falling from the darkest clouds creeping over the horizon. I was sitting in corner with a comic, doing my best to stay invisible to avoid having to go to bed, when my grandfather asked me to bring him the tent. Now you camp he said.
Dripping wet I put up the tent, thinking that was it. As soon as it was up I could go back in, dry up, get something nice, warm to drink and sleep in my bed. No, not the case. That night I lay alone in the tent. Pitch black pierced by lightning and deafening thunder. I’ll never forget that night. Creative punishment.
At first this may not sound like a punishment, but believe me it was.
I was seven or eight at the time. We were staying at my grandfathers summer house for the, eh, summer. I was playing around in the garden with an old tent I had found in the attic days before. Countless times, or so I was told, I was asked to put it away. That I would damage it, rip it.
I did not.
The wind picked up ferocity through the afternoon. After dinner light drizzle turned into pounding hammers falling from the darkest clouds creeping over the horizon. I was sitting in corner with a comic, doing my best to stay invisible to avoid having to go to bed, when my grandfather asked me to bring him the tent. Now you camp he said.
Dripping wet I put up the tent, thinking that was it. As soon as it was up I could go back in, dry up, get something nice, warm to drink and sleep in my bed. No, not the case. That night I lay alone in the tent. Pitch black pierced by lightning and deafening thunder. I’ll never forget that night. Creative punishment.
Going to Catholic Schools as a kid, those "penguins" (nuns) were sadists! They knew all sorts of weird ways to torture a kid thaqt usually didn’t look or sound too bad but were hell! We had to kneel on top of pencils for hours…doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Try doing it sometime – OUCH!
That is awesome
The most extreme punishment? Well my father told me his story about his childhood. How he got punish as a kid from his mother. *This happen in the Philippines back then…* This one Sunday morning, my father didn’t want to go to church, coz he wanted to hang out with his friends and basketball with them. But then, his mother took a huge stick from a tree and smack him in ass all the way to church by walk. (From the home to the church… it’s like from your house all the way to the closest elementary school or middle school.) Anyways, years later… my father learned a variable lesson of going to church everyday.
My extreme punishment, I had to go through… was very bad!! ~_~ I never like one bit of it. This happen during my high school years… My first report card, when my father saw my grades of straight F’s. He took away all my video games and systems. He destroyed them right in front of me. And not only that, he wanted me study. He didn’t want to see me play video games or watch tv after 4 years. I’ve been torn up pretty bad during those 4 years of my high school life. I’ve been missing out on a lot of video games that were released at the video game market. And no matter how hard I study, I still failed at it. Every time my dad sees a failing grade, he sends me out of the house and sleeping out there for a day. My mother tries her best to support me, but my dad is superior over me. I hated him for he’s done to me during my high school years.
But now, I finally understand why he did that to me. Cause he doesn’t want me fail in life, he wanted me to strive myself to become successful. And not only that, he loves me as his own son. (Tough Love…) *Hoy, that’s hard to understand that!*
Look at me now, I have changed over the years. I never smoke or drink, I strived myself to be successful in life. I’ve graduated college last year on my Bachelor’s Degree on Media Productions. Also, I’m living a healthy and wealthy life in San Diego, CA with my childhood best friends.
That’s why it’s hard for people to accept their punishments. Cause they think they will never learn from their mistakes that they are doing! It’s their lives, if they don’t want accept punishments, well… you’ll end up in a big situation that you can’t get out of!!
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