One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to be more diligent with my blogging. I’m not going to say they’re going to be any better. 😛 But I think I might step up the frequency by 2 or 3%. I know, major increase, huh?! Let’s start with my first blog of the new year. What are your thoughts on Cherry Coke? Do you like it? Have you tried it? Would you like to have some right now? 😀

I love Cherry Coke! :0)
I love it, i prefer it over regular coke.
I suddenly feel like some…don’t know why 😉
I like cherries, but i dont like cherry flavored anything, accept jolly ranchers.
that’s one tasty looking cherry 😉
I like Cherry Coke I hope that they keep making it for a long time. I usually drink it at the movies with my popcorn.
I love cherry coke, with the exception of diet cherry coke….8-p
…made a mistake.. my 2nd post of the year! 😛
Eh its poison for the body? 😀
Wow! You are taking the same approach to blogging that JV is. There will be stuff with no timetable or day or anything. Btw, what you takin bout Natasha lol, u blog more then d average Asian chick lol! The verdict on Cherry Coke, well it was good, especially with Ice cream (creamsoda). You should give it a try. Although, I think its a Cherry Favored Soda they sell in the Dominican and in the states, that’s just cherry used for the ice cream (creamsoda). Finally, I want to see a Blog about Hats cuz you love Hats and so do I, just a suggestion lol
You rock the T-shirt. Not a big fan of Cherry coke.
because of that tshirt Natasha, i just might be inclined to start liking cherry coke
Diet Cherry coke is good,so is coke zero.But you sure look sexy in that t-shirt.
damn, i LOVE cherry coke… but they don’t carry it here in the philippines, so i have to go to specialty stores for my fix… cherry coke zero hasn’t been sighted here either :S
well it may taste good, but watch this video’s and get back to me.
Never tried cherry coke but I want to try it now.
Yep, Daniel’s right. Its highly addictive, and a major cause of osteoporosis e.g. my sister has it at 44
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