Please make note that my original Facebook Page is currently gone! :*( I will update you soon. I’m talking with FB now to get it back.
I DO NOT have any other Facebook Pages so please do not add any other profiles with my name on it. I’m trying to get all the fake ones down now. Thank you! 🙂

Thanks for the heads up! why did facebook,take it away?
Sorry to hear that, was there a violation? Or did they just happen to accidentally delete it with some fake ones? hopefully you get it back, so i can “Like” it haha 😀
It happens to thousands of users sometimes for seemingly innocuous reasons e.g. sending too many notes to friends too quickly – well using any of their features too much and too quickly. See an example here from Robert Scoble’s blog:
They disable first and ask questions later: which on the one hand raises their chance of minimising spam exploits, but on the other it shows they have a very dumb and limited anti-spam system.
They also have an over-active “security” policy, where they rarely investigate properly before taking drastic actions. If you add their poor customer support to that, just be warned about what you do with your FB page.
Yes its a wonderful app, but good customer support is usually something companies strive to provide and improve.
Thanx, for the heads up! Hope it comes back soon!
I simply cannot understand why oh why FB should decide to have done this to your profile Natasha! Am feelin so damn gutted for ya kiddo! :(*
Your page and profile were certainly all in good taste and never offensive to anyone – and you put so much effort into updating your fanbase!.
I really pray that FB Admin see sense – meantime, can i suggest we all start a petition group on twitter and or FB to campaign to get our Natasha her page back online where it belongs! Coz i for on e will sign it fo’sho! Amen x
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