According to a Pew Research poll, 18% of Americans still think President Obama is a Muslim. But here’s a hint . . . HE’S NOT. Here are four MORE things Americans believe . . .
#1.) THAT THE SUN REVOLVES AROUND THE EARTH. Hopefully this has gone down in the last ten years, but in a 1999 Gallup poll, 18% of Americans said the Earth was the center of the universe.
–In case you’re keeping track . . . Galileo proved that wrong about 400 years ago.
#2.) ONE-THIRD OF AMERICANS BELIEVE IN GHOSTS. That’s according to a poll the Associated Press did for Halloween in 2007. One-third of people ALSO said they believed in UFO’s, and 19% believed in WITCHCRAFT.
#3.) THAT HUMANS AND DINOSAURS LIVED TOGETHER. We don’t have the NATIONWIDE stats on this, but according to a recent survey by the University of Texas, that’s what 30% of Texans believe.
#4.) THAT THE MOON LANDING WAS A HOAX. It’s been over 40 years since NASA landed the first man on the moon, and polls consistently show that 6% of Americans still think they faked it.

What? This is not true? haha
Looking at those percentages…..I am thinking the polls were taken in very poor areas!