Last night, I went down to the vending machine to get a soda. I put in a dime and bottles of diet pepsi came popping out of the machine! I went back home with 6 bottles of soda for a dime! I think the universe was trying to give me a gift .. but why do I feel so guilty? Am I a bad person for taking the soda? Or was the universe trying to send me a gift and I should graciously accept?

Like everybody else The Universe Loves you!!!!!
where’s the vending machine? go back and do it some more!!
it just means that your that good…accept and don’t feel guilty.
Naw that’s a steal! 🙂 I say the universe and luck is on your side!
WoW!!! That machine is a kiss ass.
naw how would you pu the bottles back into the machine anyways?
keep one and pass on the rest. Good karma
You shouldnt have taken the extras…and fully paid for the one you did take.
Pepsi? no coke machine. I think your lucky Natasha 🙂 .
That happened to me before it’s the universe’s way of thanking you for being so great Natasha.
No guilt! What….you’re gonna leave them for someone else to have for free? You tried to pay for it…God loves you as I do! :0)
Depends on whether you believe in Karma or not… if you take more than you need, watch out!
You should be ashamed of yourself Nat!!! How can you stand there and question as to the ethics of you behavior?!! Wrong on so many Karmic levels… Drink Coke products, not pepsi! LOL!
It is hardly your fault the machine is faulty. Don’t feel guilty. What else could you do, leave them there? That would be a complete waste of the resources that went into making the soda in the first place.
So just enjoy….plus the fact you feel guilty means you are a good person 🙂
If I go back down there tonight and it spits out more free soda, am I taking advantage of the situation now? What do I do? I’m thirsty!! 😛
I think the universe (or the faulty machine, whichever u prefer) is simply testing your will power to see if you can resist it. For your health & others it would be better to ignore it. In the end its only sugar water – if you’re thirsty u could just try pure water?
If it does it again, have another, and then invite someone else to partake in the joy of getting 😉
Clearly the universe has great taste and loves you, too! 🙂
looooooool the machine wanted to hit that! *BANG*BANG*! ur like every azn like me we take wats givin :]
You are a gift to the universe. It is only fair that it would give something back.
100 bottles of sodas on the wall… *This is an endless countdown of sodas coming off the wall – lol* ^_^
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