Officials fear more than 100,000 people have died as a result of Tuesday’s 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. The country’s prime minister said the death toll could be in the hundreds to thousands.
My heart goes out to the people of Haiti. PLEASE!! PLEASE! Let’s do what we can to help!
Here’s the place to go to find out how you can help Haiti.

It looks like the death toll could be so much higher too – I really hope not. If haiti was not so poor in relation to us rich nations she may not have been as badly affected. More money, & good governance means safer buildings. Same happened in china last year for a smaller earthquake. The western world needs to take responsibility and help in everyway possible for real prevention work as much as aid. If every person gives just $20 dollars that could add saving many more thousands of lives.
Be careful. Some will take this tragedy as a chance to scam. One great organization to support is Partners in Health.
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