Here’s a list of my 10 top favorite Halloween Candy. What’s your favorite Halloween Candy?
#1) COINS – especially ones w crunchy rice crisps centers..YUMM!!
#2) Peanut M&M’s
#3) Sweettart
#4) Kit Kat
#5) Raisonets
#6) Whoppers
#7) Reeses
#8) Runts
#9) Skittles
#10) Sourpatch

haha nice list! I gotta make my list soon on my blog. ( Gonna add some twix in there! those coins are the best.
Goobers are pretty yummy too!
I have never seen the coins! Is that California specific? 4,6,7……..awesome!
Love you Kiddo! XOXO
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Hershey Chocolate Bars
Nestle Crunch Bars
Blow Pops
Kit Kats
Jolly Ranchers
White chocolate should also be on this list.. love white chocolate! Indulge….
YES! White chocolate! How about Jumbo California Strawberries dipped in white chocolate? Daaamn!
Yes! White chocolate is the best! 🙂
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