I LOVE my iPhone! It’s the best phone I’ve ever owned, but the service is HORRIBLE! I’m lucky if I can get any reception to make a call. AT&T’s exclusive rights to the iPhone ends in 2010. I read through this New York Times article that basically states that the more users on the AT&T network (iPhone being the biggest network drainer), the worse your service will get. Here’s a summary of the article:
To sum up the article:
- iPhone users use a lot more wireless data than users of other phone models
- AT&T’s wireless network is unable to meet this demand
- Voice services are affected adversely too
- 34% of non-iPhone owners said they did not buy an iPhone because of AT&T’s poor reputation
- Mobile data traffic is expected to double every year through 2013
Will my prayers be answered for a solid service one day? Hello?? Can you hear me??

Oh happy day happy day! I finally did something right! I don’t have an iPhone because i ONLY use my phone for telephone calls, PERIOD! I don’t text, I don’t download music or pictures, I don’t need GPS or any other APPS, I simply make phone calls. Ya know what……I don’t have a problem with my phone or AT&T.
Sorry Natasha!
Love you Kiddo!
Find some 1 2 unlock ur iphone. U will B able 2 use another service w/better quality. My BB is on T-Mobile & we don’t the issues. Some friends of mine have iphones, unlocked ’em & use T-Mobile. Possibility??
I feel your pain Natasha. I am a cursed AT&T subscriber with the IPHONE. Luckily my contract expires the same time the exclusivity rights AT&T has with the IPHONE in 2010 so hopefully another carrier will pick it up also and I can keep my IPHONE and go to another carrier.
This has been the worst service yet with AT&T and I am done with them in 2010.
We need a support group like AA.
Sexy lips
your lips are amazing. sorry, what were you ranting about? lolz
Hang up and drive to your best ability 🙂
I got rid of my cell phone. THEY ARE EVIL!
Alternatively you can take your iPhone and switch over to T-Mobile who supports it unofficially after having so many users purchase it.
I agree that the phone service sucks, but I can’t live without my iPhone. Theres nothing on the market with the same costumer service or programs for their phone.
Granted a service provided should be an acceptable service and monopoly should not be allowed. But whats a phone for again? This iphone craze among other crazes makes our race seem like a bunch of mindless twits.
I have bought nothing for myself but Nokia products (with AT&T service) and have NEVER had a problem in the 10 years I’ve had a cell.
Where I work has Verizon, wit first a Moto then an LG phone, we have had nothing but problems. Dropped calls, lack of signal, missed calls / messages received days later etc.. We still have Verizon through work but forward our calls to our personal cells…
This is in CT.
iphones are lame anyway…
Get Verizon Wireless.
People will cry about everything no matter what. 2 cups and a string works there best and guarantee service 🙂
Get a T-Mobile G1 or My Touch and you will be way more happy then with your I Phone .. And it Does All the Same Stuff But eith Way better Sevice and Way cheaper per month
Why don’t you just unlock your phone and use Tmobile or something?
Check out Metropcs. Unlimited calls, texting, e-mail, internet plus other services for $45 a month and no contracts. First month is also free. The service area seems to grow every time I check it. I’ve had it for about 15 months now and haven’t had any problem at all. http://www.metropcs.com/
Your lips are dangerous! Hot
I use my phone to talk on…I used to say that …before I got iPhone.Nevertheless, your post is too informative.
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