It’s not where you end up that means as much
As the road that you travel along.
And it’s not the result that counts as much
As the progress that makes you strong.
Since it’s not the destination. . . It’s the journey.It’s not meeting your aim that matters as much
As the course that you take day by day.
And it’s not reaching your goal but who you touch
As you share from your heart along the way.
Because, it’s not the destination. . . It’s the journey.It’s not the objective that’s important to meet
As the trail’s challenge that you weather.
And it’s not making the finish but who you greet
As on the highway you work together.
You see, it’s not the destination. . . It’s the journey.
— Arlene Alpert

ParseError thrown
syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting elseif (T_ELSEIF) or else (T_ELSE) or endif (T_ENDIF)