Do you ever notice how much is written on some people’s faces? Some people have been mad at life so much, there is a permanant frown on their face. Other people seem to have happiness right on their face. It’s funny, becuase just the other day, I ran into an old acquiantance and their eyes were saying more than their words. With those recent observations, it’s interesting that I ran into this qoute this morning.
“The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.”

That is so true, now, my face is FULL of happy lines! All of them curve upwards! :0)
Sometimes the frown upon the mans face is at himself,not you sweetheart.
im too smooth too frown…
It takes more energy to frown than it does to smile… Or is it the otherway round? Ah…. I cant remember now!
the face is a fasintaing sculpt of brilliancy
vast in knewledge and emotion
unclear of certainty and despair
the loneliness searches thru unspoken words
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