As you may know, I’m involved with the 501 (C)(3) non-profit KnockOuts For Girls ( and we are doing our annual Toy Drive for Foster Kids (see attached flyer). If you like to give back during the holidays, this is a great way to do so, as whatever you donate will go directly to the foster kids living at Hillsides ( Each foster child at Hillsides has given us a wish list of 3 items they’d like for Christmas and we’ve put these items on a registry at Target to make it as easy as possible for people to help.
To PURCHASE ITEMS, simply go to this link:
If you prefer to donate money, our KnockOuts will use that money to purchase the items for you!
1. Go to:
2. Click on the tab on the punching bag to the right of the Home page that reads: Punch Here to Donate
The children living at Hillsides have been passed from one foster home to the next. Many have been physically, emotionally and sexually abused and most have been neglected. These children will spend their Christmas at a group home. They will wake up without their moms, dads, siblings, grandparents and relatives to watch them open gifts. Let’s at least make sure they have gifts to open. Our KnockOuts wrapped all the gifts for the kids last year and taught a boxing class while we were there (we’ll do the same this year) and the kids were so grateful, sweet and just amazing. Last year we got ALL the items on EVERY child’s wish list!!! Help us give these deserving children another happy holiday!

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