Despite the huge size of penises in elephants and odd hoofed mammals (like rhinos and horses), the biggest penis belongs to the biggest animal: the blue whale. The largest measured penis reached 8 feet!
But don’t let that discourage you! It’s not always about size. In some African countries, saying that one is ‘hung like a gorilla’ is considered an insult.

whale looks to be on that happy position with his head thrown back and both fins laid out to his sides, lol.
Okay, if I didn’t feel inadiquate before…….I sure as hell do now!
Does this excite you? 🙂
That’s a big animal.
And that’s how the ocean water is salty, and we don’t drink it…
Tash, you know a gorilla is about the size of a cigarette, right?!?!?
wat da??!! crazy!!!! wow! haha xoxo
it’s not strange that being "hung like a gorilla" is considered an insult as gorillas have very small penises,about 1 1/2 inches when in erection
is it 8 feet hard or soft?
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