I’m sure most of you have heard of The Master Cleanse. I tried this detox a few months ago. Unfortunately, I only made it 4 1/2 days. I’ve decided to try it again. This time around, my mind is set on making it the entire 10 days so that I can receive the full benefits of this cleanse. The Master Cleanse claims to be a way to cleanse the body of toxins and remove the cravings of toxic items. I’ve been doing a lot of research on the MC. I will be sure to blog daily and share with you more information and secrets about this detox. Here goes … I am officially marking Day 1 on The Master Cleanse … . Thursday, September 17th at 5:14 A.M. 😀 Wish me luck!!

You’re so beautiful! Send me an e-mail explaing what you are doing and do you think I could do this? Love you Kiddo! I have faith in you! XOXOXO
Good luck!
will u marry me? lol.
Stay strong and don’t give in. This is something I should try myself, but I doubt I could last a day. My best friend did it and had great results. So hang in there, and stay away from the ice cream!
Good luck Natasha, I’ll be rooting for you 🙂
PS-love the pic; i really like seeing your normal everyday pictures.
Good luck hun…but…careful if u get inflamed guts ok??… U can use fresh mint leaves in hot water to make soothing tea if u get acid burns…
Best of luck! 🙂
All the best Natasha! I know how hardcore this is for anyone – the fact that you made it just over 4 days before was a huuuge acheivement!
Good luck hun – hang in there, but pls don’t jeopardize your health too much!
You go for it girl! – and lock away that ice-cream! lol 🙂
Don’t do it, it’s all BS. If anything it’s placebo, just do your research. Much safer and healthier ways to achieve true results.
The last two comments raise a good point. If this in anyway hinders your health and you don’t feel right, then don’t continue with it. Everybody’s body reacts differently; what worked for my friend might not work for others.
I still support you, but please be cautious.
To the reader that commented about “acid burns”…. this is a misconception.
True, lemons are an acidic fruit… however lemons are ALKALINE forming in the body. It’s what’s left over after digestion has taken place that counts. After passing through the stomach (and stomach acid) and being hit with enzymes, what’s left is an alkaline ash. Think of fire wood being burned up, what’s left after the digestive fire? Btw, the gastric juice in the stomach is four times as strong as lemon juice.
Also, in terms of this cleanse being a “placebo”, that’s not exactly an appropriate term to use. Placebo is when an innocuous substance or inert medication is given, with an individual being told they are taking an actual drug, thus resulting in that individual having a psychological expectation.
Lemons, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, etc. are not placebos. They are simply food. And she KNOWS what she’s ingesting. It’s not like she’s taking sugar pills (or fake lemons, if such a thing existed) and being told they are something else. THAT’S a placebo.
That being said, it is a bit debatable if one needs 10 days of liquid fasting. But Natasha seems to know her body well, exercises regularly, eats a great diet, etc.
The danger is when someone eats like shit for 355 days a year and tries to make it go away in 10. lol
I know this is late, but the placebo effect doesn’t necessarily have to take place in a medical setting being told you’ll be taking an actual medicine, but instead are taking a sugar pill.
It’s true, that lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup do not equate placebo pill. Regardless, Natasha believes these substances will help her “cleanse” and detox. The mechanism for the placebo effect is the belief that something will do “good” (and or “bad”,)and therefore works.
So maybe I mis-communicated that I was talking about the placebo effect…and not an actual placebo sugar pill. The placebo effect has been well documented with different methods if implementation, not just a simple inert pill.
With all that said, the placebo effect has been known to work many times and that isn’t fully understood. Yet the “Master CLeanse” has been known to be a sham and can have negative effects. I’m a bit disapointed in Natasha for the reasons you just said, she does know her body well, she excercises regularly and seems to eat well. All that is more than sufficient in leading healthy lifestyle and doing something like this, really does her no good and could potentially take her a step back.
Your kidney’s and liver are exceptionally good at their job and getting rid of toxins on their own. Eating lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup only deprives these organs (and your body in general), from the nutrients necessary for them to function properly…especially after doing it for extended periods of time. The placebo effect can only go so far, your body eventually needs the proper nutrition.
It’s best just to eat well and if you have a fear for these so called “toxins” it’s best just to avoid them in your diet all together.
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