I’m sure most of you have seen or heard of Kanye West’s classless hijack at the VMA’s. He stole Taylor Swift’s moment when she won the award for the Best Female Video. Here’s the video in case you missed it.
Beyonce made things right at the end of the evening, when she won the Video of the Year. Instead of giving her own speech, she talked about winning her first VMA as part of Destiny’s Child. She said, quote, “I remember how excited I was. I’d like Taylor to come out and have her moment.” Here’s the video of Beyonce’s classy move … 🙂

What an ass Kanye was! On the other hand….what a class act Beyonce is and always has been! Actually brought tears to my eyes! I have a whole new raised level of respect for that girl, I always knew she was special!
Kudos to Beyonce!
kanye west that was lower than satans foot 6 ft under hell. SUCK FISH STICKS!!! (southpark lol)
"Maybe it’s because breaded has something to do with genius…which swims?"
Kanye West = douchebag!
Kanye= MuthaFuckin Gay Fish!!!!
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