WTF? O.B. Tampons discontinued? That just ain’t right! I’m PISSED!!! You KNOW it’s because one person didn’t read the label right & went into shock. SOOO shady .. Johnson & Johnson won’t comment. What is a girl to do now? Only the ladies will feel me on this topic .. you guys just ignore my o.b. tampon rant. Read this article. Here’s another article on the black market for o.b. tampons lol

Hy husband is a fan of yours and I just saw your blog about the tampons! After i read it I ranted a bit myself! My big fear is nuclear war. Not because we will all die but because I won’t be able to get any of them. I guess I am going to have to start hoarding!
There is still an alternate solution, ladies…
I wondered where they went! Did someone really die?
You mean to tell me,there is compilation to this Tampon,
That’s a real shame Natasha. 🙁
I’ mean NO Competition,to this tampon? that’s a real shame.
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