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Although it’s already widely known that the fat gained from almond is beneficial to your health but few people consume almond as daily snack due to the fact to the fear of weight gain. A recent study published in British Journal of Nutrition challenged that widely known fact by doing a research which proved otherwise. In truth, if consumed regularly, almonds can actually block some fat from being absorbed.
In the study, the researchers involved 20 overweight women to eat two different diet plans. First they divided the women into two groups, the first group was asked to follow a normal diet plan with addition of consuming 56 grams of almonds everyday for 10 weeks while the other group was told do follow their diet plan but wasn’t instructed to eat almonds at all for 10 weeks. Then both groups were asked to break before switching their diet plan.
As a result, the group who consumed almond didn’t experience any weight gain at all and in turn they got some of their dietary nutrition requirements from almonds. While 56 grams of almonds contain around 344 calories, in reality we will only get 77 calories from 56 grams of almonds according to the research.
Here are some conclusions that I gained from the research:
1. A cup of almond decreases total carbohydrate intake in a given day.
2. The fiber structure in almond prevents some fat from being absorbed.
3. Almonds can reduce blood sugar level which often leads people to eat more than they should.
Someone sent me this article today. I don’t know … What do you think about this??
Astronomers have restored the original Babylonian zodiac by recalculating the dates that correspond with each sign to accommodate millennia of subtle shifts in the Earth’s axis. Prepare to have your minds blown, all you people with easily blowable minds.
Here is the zodiac as the ancient Babylonians intended it—with the dates corresponding to the times of the year that the sun is actually in each constellation’s “house”—according to the Minnesota Planetarium Society’s Parke Kunkle:
Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus:* Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.* Discarded by the Babylonians because they wanted 12 signs per year.
Be sure to pick up the current issue of Ironman Magazine where you will find me in a 5 page spread for the Swimsuit Special! On newsstands now! Here’s a preview.
Watch this French inspired short film about a woman scorned by love … starring me! 🙂
Be sure to pick up January’s issue of DSport Magazine where you will find the 2011 Calendar for FREE! On newsstands now!
Please beware of fake profiles. Here is a list of my OFFICIAL sites/profiles. The sites listed below are the ONLY websites I interact on. Do not get fooled by anyone impersonating me in chatrooms or any other website. If you find any suspicious activity, please report them to webmaster@natashayi.com
Thank you so much for your support. 🙂
http://NatashaYi.tv – My official daily blog
http://NatashaYiOnline.com – My official portfolio
http://NatashaYi.com – My official vip fan website
http://NatsAdventures.com – My official comic strip
An official, but not active right now –
As you may know, I’m involved with the 501 (C)(3) non-profit KnockOuts For Girls (www.KO4G.org) and we are doing our annual Toy Drive for Foster Kids (see attached flyer). If you like to give back during the holidays, this is a great way to do so, as whatever you donate will go directly to the foster kids living at Hillsides (www.hillsides.org). Each foster child at Hillsides has given us a wish list of 3 items they’d like for Christmas and we’ve put these items on a registry at Target to make it as easy as possible for people to help.
To PURCHASE ITEMS, simply go to this link:
If you prefer to donate money, our KnockOuts will use that money to purchase the items for you!
1. Go to: www.KO4G.org
2. Click on the tab on the punching bag to the right of the Home page that reads: Punch Here to Donate
The children living at Hillsides have been passed from one foster home to the next. Many have been physically, emotionally and sexually abused and most have been neglected. These children will spend their Christmas at a group home. They will wake up without their moms, dads, siblings, grandparents and relatives to watch them open gifts. Let’s at least make sure they have gifts to open. Our KnockOuts wrapped all the gifts for the kids last year and taught a boxing class while we were there (we’ll do the same this year) and the kids were so grateful, sweet and just amazing. Last year we got ALL the items on EVERY child’s wish list!!! Help us give these deserving children another happy holiday!
This is my right side up look.
This is my upside down look.
This is my side way look.
Do you think alcohol was involved? Maybe the driver’s foot fell asleep … Watch the entire video ….
Here’s the most recent list of the highest earning women in Hollywood from Forbes.
1. Oprah Winfrey: $324 million
2. Beyonce Knowles: $89 million
3. Britney Spears: $65 million
4. Lady Gaga: $64 million
6. Sandra Bullock: $59.2 million
7. Ellen DeGeneres: $56 million
8. Miley Cyrus: $48 million
9. Taylor Swift: $46 million
10. Judge Judy: $46 million
Definitely one of the funniest movies of the year. I haven’t laughed this hard since The Hangover! Go watch it! Here’s the trailer.
Louboutin Miss America Pumps = FAIL
Louboutin Swarvoski Crystal Pumps = WOW
On a side note: If anyone has 4 grand lying around, please feel free to buy the Swarovski Crystal Pumps for me. Thank you. 😉
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” – Marilyn Monroe
So young and so innocent. Here’s a magazine scan from my very first photo shoot as a model. This was taken during my senior year in high school for Playboy Magazine. Yep, that was my very first modeling job.
Tessa’s a huge Brian Wilson fan of the Giants. This is how she shows her support.
Congratulations SF Giants World Series Campions!
I have a serious problem. I sleep walk. This is where I ended up last night.
Find more photos like this at the VIP
I have a close family friend named Joe who was involved in a freak accident six weeks ago that changed EVERYTHING about his life. He was taken by life flight to the hospital and he remains in critical condition. He was a busy Dad active in the lives of his 3 kids during the week and on the weekend you could find him riding his motorcycle in the country for some R & R. In an instant, that was gone. He has needed several pints of blood and it has become apparent to those close to him that the blood banks are experiencing a blood shortage. Children’s Hospital is a trauma center for children who have experienced a life threatening event and they treat children in need every day.
If you live in Northern California, please support this blood drive to help Joe. The blood drive honoring Joe is in Modesto, California on October 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church, 4212 Dale Road, Modesto, California.
If you can’t make it out the the blood drive, please take an hour this week to stop by your local Blood Centers of the Pacific or Red Cross BLOOD BANK to give. This is something that we all can do and it’s a gift that changes lives. For Joe and the children at Children’s Hospital and all of others that need our help, let’s give.
– Donating blood is safe, simple and it saves lives!– Donating blood takes less than an hour and makes a direct impact on the lives of others.
– Anyone 17 years of age or older (16 with a parent’s permission) can give blood.
– You never know when you or someone you love may need blood – and there is no substitute for it.
Go to bloodcenters.org or call 1-888-393-GIVE.
FOR RED CROSS:Go to redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
There’s a new study out of Syracuse University that says falling in love isn’t something that happens over months of dinners, late-night talks, or walking hand-in-hand through the autumn foliage. Nope . . . it’s basically the opposite.
–When you fall in love, it takes exactly . . . one-fifth of a second.
–When you’re with the right person, the chemicals in 12 different areas of your brain hit the right balance and . . . there it is, that’s the moment you’re in love. It’s just that easy.
PLAY MY OFFICIAL MONSTER MASH GAME!! Click on the box above to play it for FREE!! Happy Haunting!!
To find more fun, exclusive games, log onto www.NatashaYi.net!
Here’s some video footage from my iPhone right after Game 1 of the World Series on the streets outside AT&T park … saw a bunch of SF Giants in uniform … not sure if these are players or not 😛
All I gotta say is, Don’t step on the Uggs yo! 😉