Please stay tuned! There’s light at the end of the tunnel!!!!! Until further notice, please join me at my new FB PAGE at:

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Please stay tuned! There’s light at the end of the tunnel!!!!! Until further notice, please join me at my new FB PAGE at:
Please make note that my original Facebook Page is currently gone! :*( I will update you soon. I’m talking with FB now to get it back.
I DO NOT have any other Facebook Pages so please do not add any other profiles with my name on it. I’m trying to get all the fake ones down now. Thank you! 🙂
This is one of the best videos I’ve seen!! Scary and funny at the same time! WTH?!
I am SO addicted to these new snacks I discovered at Whole Foods. Not too salty, not too sweet, but just right. Blended rich cocoa, toasted grains and sunflower seeds baked into the perfect sweet treat, mmm tres bon!
Ummmmm….. Did I just sound like an infomercial? Sorry … I become food obsessed from time to time 😛
Check out this cartoon from the talented Darin Michau …. inspired from my latest American Curves Magazine layout!
HOT OFF THE PRESS!!! Pick up my brand NEW posters for sale inside my online store!
Here’s the proper way to use the BUTT BLASTER machine. Keep it focused!!! Errrr . . . Eye of the Tiger with my trainer and one of my best friends . . . IFBB Pro Miss Sherlyn Roy!
Ernestine Shepard is 73 years old and is in the Guinness Book of World Records’ as the oldest female bodybuilder. She spends her days running, lifting weight and working out other senior citizens in Baltimore. She started working out at age 56 when she found herself trying on swimsuits and not being happy with what she saw. SInce then, she’s been dedicated to the game and healthier and happier than ever! What an inspiration!
OMG!!! I went to lunch today (notice the time and date) and asked for extra turkey on my Quizno’s Bullet Sandwich. I didn’t know it would cost me over a thousand dollars!!! To be exact, the total came to $1,313.97. I’ll be honest, I did also order a drink…BUT JEEZ!!! I swear to God, this is not a doctored receipt. Lesson learned…don’t just sign a sales slip because you are in a hurry. You might get home and realize you spent over a G on lunch. I called them and they are closed.
Check out the junk in this trunk! 😛
I bet you’re wondering why I ended up in here . . . Don’t ask 😛
Here are some more demonstrations of various exercises. These two workouts focus on your thighs. Don’t get hurt tryin’ this move! LOL 😛
Advanced workout of the outer thighs on the Abduction Machine
The Advanced workout of the inner thighs on the Adduction Machine.
KICK-ASS the movie opens today! Can’t wait to watch it!! OH! Be sure to look out for the next AMAZING super hero . . . Sweater Puppies Girl . . . Wait! That’s me ! ! ! LOL . . . My hero powers are my two killer sweater puppies . . . the dogs . . . . . groowwwwwl. You don’t want to mess with us!! Thanks to my online friend, G. Webber, for turning me into a KICK ASS SUPER HERO!!!!!!!! 😀
WHAT??????????????????????????????????? Hmmm…. Read this article People Magazine wrote about Sarah Palin’s earnings as Non-Governor:
Resigning as governor of Alaska last year to join the private sector has worked out splendidly – and lucratively – for Sarah Palin.The 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate has earned at least $12 million, and probably more than that, since leaving office at end of July, according to an estimate by
.That’s mostly thanks to TV and book deals and lots of speaking appearances worth five and six figures each. ABC says its estimate, based on public records and news accounts, is conservative – and that the actual number is “probably much higher.”
Come into my bedroom and feel the LOVE for one of my sweeties . . . Miss Tickles <3 <3 <3
By now, I’m sure you’ve all heard of Lin’s amazing vocals. Here’s the video of Lin singing Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” for a talent show.
It goes down this summer! I play a small role in Speed Dating — the movie. DON’T MISS IT!!
Check out theater information on their website at
Follow my journey to the soda pop shop!
You can download this wallpaper in these sizes : 800 – 1500 – 2000 – 2400
I am such a bum. Here’s a photo of one of my FAVORITE birthday gifts this year from Don the Dragon . . . yoga pants! He knows me too well! LOL I will be posting more bday present favorites soon! Stay tuned!
P.S. – Yes, I’m naked from the waist up. 😛
Support the Boys & Girls Club of Venice/Knockouts For Girls Scholarship Fund by attending our 4th annual Celebrity Golf Tournament!! Click on the flyer for all the info!
If I look at another cake or dessert, I think I will be sick to my stomach. LOL … Click here to view the day of and before my actual birthday.
Here are a few more iPhone photos of some of the ‘events’ that followed my birthday . . .
A surprise party at the bowling alley . . .
Ice Cream Cake! I couldn’t resist.
Another birthday dinner at one of my favorite sushi restaurant with mochi balls to finish off the dinner!
The next day, I had a photoshoot in L.A. MORE cupcakes from ‘Sprinkles Cupcakes’ waited for me in one of the rooms at the location! Don’t even ask how I fit into the wardrobe they had for me this day. :-/
My birthday (3/25) started out like this a week before the big day . . . .
The day before my actual birthday, this bottle of milk was delivered to my door.
Shortly after, this box of mini cupcakes arrived from Kara’s Cupcakes in San Francisco.
The morning of my birthday . . . 4 am to be exact, this tiramisu cake woke me up with a candle to be blown out. Let’s just say this cake did not make it past 4:15 am . . . major sugar high followed by a severe sugar crash by 5 am.
When I finally woke up from my sugar crash, I ended up at the Cheesecake Factory with this Red Velvet Cheesecake calling my name! No mercy . . .
I was rolled out of the restaurant and this welcomed me at my front door. By the way, I HATE this carpet! My condo just installed it outside my door. YUCK!
A couple hours later, I was scarfing down a juicy steak at Ruth Chris’ steakhouse, washing it down with a bottle of Malbeck. I was a bit tipsy when it was time to open up my gift here. I’ll show you what was inside later.
Can you believe I had ANOTHER dessert after the steak? I’ve lost count of birthday cakes at this point.
Why the hell am I taking this cake home? I’ll let you guess how long it lasted in my fridge.
I must say, I’m STILL stuffed, so I must end this blog entry for today. Thank you for all the birthday wishes everywhere! . . . on twitter, facebook, myspace, and VIP Members!! You guys made me feel VERY special today! 😀 xoxo
I found this description of an Aries woman the other day … since it’s my birthday tomorrow, I thought I’d post it. I found this to be pretty accurate. I’m an Aries on a Pisces cusp, so to get a full description of me, you have to add a Pisces twist to it. I’ll post another post of a cusp baby in another entry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIES!! 🙂
Aries: The Amorous Nature
If you fall in love with an Aries woman, you’ll never lack for excitement. But are you the kind of man who can handle a full-blooded independent, forceful female? Because that’s what Aries woman is.
This passionate, intense creature can’t give a tepid response. She’s a fully stocked fireplace, with logs, kindling, and paper, waiting for the touch of a match to set her on fire.
In her relations with men she is domineering. You can either accept it or leave. If you stay, you’ve made the first concession on a long road. At the end, you’re likely to find you’ve been molded and shaped to fit her image of what her love should be.
What Aries woman wants, she gets. When a man meets an irresistible force like her, he tends to become a highly movable object.
She needs love and gets more than her share, but no man becomes her lord and master. She meets a man on equal terms. If he offers loyalty, she repays him in kind. If he is untrustworthy, she also repays him in kind.
In love she will be faithful, but she expects total fidelity in return. Her jealousy is rooted in possessiveness. She doesn’t want a lover who has too many other interests. She wants all of him—or nothing at all.
There is an important distinction to make about her jealousy that may be useful in helping to understand her fundamental character. She isn’t jealous because of a feeling of insecurity (the root cause of most jealousy, but because she has to be number one.
The Aries woman finds happiness in a long term relationship. She enjoys sharing everything with a lover and she is highly affectionate, even sentimental. She will be your staunchest ally, fight side by side with you, believe in you, encourage you. She’s a marvelous companion for a man on the way up or fighting to stay at the top because she’ll give him all the strength and determination she has. She’s definitely ambitious.
When she does not feel she is loved she can become shrill and demanding. Above all, she won’t tolerate being ignored or neglected. The straight road to perdition is a relationship with an unhappy Aries woman.
She wants to be understood and appreciated for her unique qualities. If you handle her with tact and give her the admiration she needs, this vivacious, active, mischievous, sensual, fascinating woman will do anything you ask.
Today is St. Patrick’s Day, and for a lot of people that means green beer and “Danny Boy”. But I’m here to tell you . . . it’s all LIES! Here are the five biggest myths about St. Patrick’s Day . . .
Nope. He may be the patron saint of Ireland, but he was from Britain. Fifteen hundred years ago, he was kidnapped by raiders, taken to Ireland, and sold as a slave.
–He worked there for a few years, escaped, then returned to Ireland years later as a Christian missionary.
In fact, the color green used to be considered unlucky in Ireland. In Irish folklore, people who wore green were kidnapped by little fairies called “the Good People.”
–Green became associated with St. Patrick because he used the green three-leafed shamrock to symbolize the holy trinity of Catholicism.
#3.) IT’S A PARTY.
Today, that’s pretty much ALL we do to celebrate. But in Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day was a national holiday for religious observance. And until as recently as the 1970s, pubs there were closed on March 17th.
“Danny Boy” is probably the most famous “Irish” song. There’s only one problem: It was written by an English guy who never set foot in Ireland.
–His name was Frederick Weatherly, and he took some lyrics and set them to an Irish tune called the “Londonderry Air”. And the song “When Irish Eyes are Smiling”? It was written by Chauncey Olcott and George Graff Junior . . . both American.
Probably best not to bring this one up at a crowded Irish bar, but before the English colonized America, they colonized Ireland. And they screwed it up there too.
–In 1921, most of Ireland became its own country, with the capital in Dublin. But six counties in the north remained part of the U.K., called Northern Ireland. It was supposed to solve the troubles between the English and the Irish, but . . . not so much.
Meet me Saturday, March 20th at the Irwindale Speedway for XDC! I’m giving away free posters to the first 200 people so get there early! I’ll be there from 2 – 6 pm. Can’t wait to see you there!!!
Pick up your ticket at: