Hanging with LMFAO and San Francisco’s Wild 94.9 crew.

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I LOVE vacations!! This trip was a much needed one. I originally wanted to go to Mexico, but with the swine flu scare, I decided to head back to Maui. I finally had the opportunity to surf! I took a private lesson with an amazing company called Swell Women. Check them out at SwellWomen.com Learning to surf was my favorite part of the trip. Besides losing my bikini bottom almost every time I stood up on my board, I feel like I was born to surf!! Here are some photos from my vacation:
This picture is proof that you have to PAY ATTENTION!! . . . you never know where the next message is going to come from.
I asked a tourist to take a photo of me so I could post some vacation shots of my site. When I got home, all the pictures looked like this! Sorry about the close up. 😛
I started off my mornings in Maui with a yoga session by the water.
It takes a lot of concentration to hold this pose when you have to pee!
Let’s see, what should I wear in my hair … a bow? … a barrett? Ah … I know … how about the sunset.
Frolicking in the Fountains of Maui!
I ordered the Kona Lobster for lunch. Of course, any decent restaurant serves breadsticks first. I wasn’t really paying attention. I was reading a script that was recently sent to me while eating this breadstick. Then some old lady came up to me and said, “Missy … do you mind taking your porn activities somewhere else! My grandson is over there staring at you as you grab the shaft of that bread!” WHAT??? I never heard of bread having a shaft. Anyway …
I had him in the palm of my hand … do you see him?? lol ….
I am strong!! I am strong!!
Ingredients for imitation crab meat: alaska pollock, water, egg whites, wheat starch, sugar,corn startch, sorbitol, 2% or less of king crab meat … 80 g calories/0 g fat/ 450 g sodium/ 14 g carbs/ 3 g sugar/ 6 g protein I know! Don’t ask…. 😛 I get my moments of t.v. dinners and imitation crab meat cravings…. lol..
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” …a cool quote I just read from Eleanor Roosevelt 😉
Adapt yourself to the life you have been given; and truly love the people with whom destiny has surrounded you.
I played a character in Janelle Monae’s new music video, Many Moons. Can you find me?
I’d like to invite you to a party I’ll be hosting in Atlanta, GA THIS Friday, June 19th at Club PRIMAL!
960 Spring Street
Midtown Atlanta, GA 30307
Thanks to all the golfers who participated in the charity golf tournament last week!! 😀
They needed a little pick me up before their morning run at Red’s Java House.
Rest stop by the bay bridge …
They begged and begged for a chance to watch a game at the ballpark.
For it’s 1,2,3 strikes you’re out at the old ball game!
Someone is pooped! LOL
This morning, I posted a question in my status box. I asked, “What is a deja vu?” I’ve been having them all week and it was driving me crazy. It feels so weird when you get them. Sometimes I think I’ve even dreamed the exact situation before a few months back. I just can’t tell the difference anymore because it happens so much.
I received a lot of interesting answers. Thank you so much for all your responses. I really enjoy hearing all your thoughts and views. One I particularly liked is from a woman named Allie Cheslick. She wrote:
ALLIE CHESLICK” – http://www.myspace.com/creedqueen66 – You can check out her page here if you’d like.
“Don’t rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can’t love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are – completely; the good and the bad – and make changes as YOU see fit – not because you think someone else wants you to be different.”
-Stacey Charter
(my dear friend Tommy Tam found this quote. I stole it from him!)
Well .. well… what do we have here?? Fried spiders for dinner anyone?? 😛 lol … Now I TOLD you I laid down the 187 on these bastards!! LOL…. Okay, if you’ve been following me on twitter or myspace, you guys know that I am the ultimate insect magnet. They LOVE me!! If there’s a mosquito, spider, anything that bites within a mile radius, it’s looking for me!!!!!! I had a few meetings and things to take care of in Hollywood this week, so I crashed at my empty apartment I recently moved out of. I did it cave-girl style!! By cave-girl, I mean on the floor with my clothes and coat as amattressand a towel tented over any bare skin for the fear that some EVIL unwanted critters would attack me! …hmmm…maybe I’m a little paranoid because of the spider that munched on my arm when I glanced down my shoulder earlier that day….hmmmm…okay….getting kinda nutty over here… follow me on twitter!!
I’m featured in an international story for Australia’s Zoo Weekly Magazine Hottest TV Babes!! WOO HOO!! I’m international baby!!
KO4G is a non profit organization that builds self-esteem, inspires the human spirit, and promotes physical fitness to people facing challenges throughout the world through the discipline of boxing. Please join us June 11, 2009 for our Celebrity Golf Tournament!
I had a chance to shoot with one of my favorite photographers and good friend, Tony Chu. Let’s just say he is a brilliant mad man! 😛
It took the team 2 hours to strategically place the cheese slices on me… yes, I said cheese! Oh yum!
Tony likes his girls real dirty!
Put yo back into it!
I love you Pam!
View the results of this shoot soon!
I’m featured in this month’s issue of American Curves Magazine. I had to lay off the ice cream sandwiches and pump some real iron for this shoot. Guess it paid off .. 8 pages!
I recently joined a wonderful organization, called KO4G that puts on female boxing events and other fundraisers to raise money to help women, underprivileged girls and those in need. I’m very excited! I would LOVE your help for my next project with them. I’m collecting books for KO4G to bring to shelters, low income schools and daycare centers. If you have a book you can donate, please mail them to the address below no later than May 11th.
Please send any used or new books for any age group.
(No religious books – most centers are not allowed to have them.)
Natasha Yi
Attn: Book Donation for KO4G
7510 Sunset Blvd. #1444
Los Angeles, CA 90046
I saw one of my best friend’s ad on the streets of San Francisco.
I got a brand new camera for my birthday. I was testing it out on my toes. 😛
Still testing … I picked out those red converse. 😛
Is this for real??
Indeed, the dog is real!
I have to admit, I was intimidated at first by this dog’s massive size. I realized ten seconds into meeting him that he was the sweetest doggie ever!
This dog is WAY TOO COOL!
So many things brought me joy as I was walking around San Francisco. But hugging this dog was one of my most joyful moments.
Meditating . . . it keeps me at peace.
Just chillin . . . my feet started to ache.
I lost my brush, so I was using my fingers to comb my hair. 😛
Up close and personal . . . does this shot make my nose look big? 😛
After a day of walking the streets of San Francisco, I found this beautiful fountain of water to meditate next to. It was a great way to end the day!
Thinking about what I should do next …
Aries on Pisces Cusp . . . March 21st – March 25th
The dynamic, forceful, audacious, candid, and often confrontational Aries-from-Pisces person lives a rich inner life where those mystical Pisces interests are nurtured and cultivated … and will show a distinctly spiritual perspective where “going the extra mile” to help another is also one of the rules he lives by.
— Possess the dreaminess, active fantasy, quietude and sensitivity inherent in Pisces
— Possess the uncomplicated and fiery forwardness inherent in Aries —
— Unusually direct in approach to life —
— Outspoken…which can be both admired and misunderstood –
— Refusal to be denied —
— Personal belief that they can do no wrong —
— Generally will not change for other people —
— Both “dreamers” and “doers”–
— Resent being analyzed —
— Short on patience —
— Extremely impetuous —
I feel sad for animals that cannot be free. Here’s a shot I took with my phone at MGM in Vegas.
Sunday is a good day to sleep in! Don’t forget today Daylight Saving Time begins!
I’ve finally arrived. Well, actually, the photo below was taken at my old place as I was packing. But I look the same right now unpacking at the new pad. 😛
Tessa has the cutest under-bite, doesn’t she? Tessa is a worrier. She’s always worried she will be left behind. It’s so interesting how unique each animal’s personality can be.
I got cast as a magician’s assistant for the band, Panic At the Disco. Be sure to look out for me in their next music video called, ‘That Green Gentleman’. I had so much fun filming this piece. The great energy from the cast and crew was what really made this job so much fun. There were about a dozen, or so, cute little kids running around … ‘entertaining me’ …to say the least. I even got a proposal for marriage! He got down on one knee and asked for my hand in marriage … special plastic ring and all! This was, of course, not part of the video. I guess being a 7 year old kid, you can get away with breaking a girl’s heart … LOL … The kids were so adorable and a lot of fun. In the video, the band members transform into toddlers. That explains all the kids at the shoot. Well, before I give away the entire video, here are a few shots backstage while we were waiting to film.
I love to be inspired. Movies inspire me. Whether it’s the message in the film, the way it made me laugh or cry, the direction the story is pieced together, or the amazing choices the actors make, I love movies! I watched MILK the other day with Sean Penn. He is truly one of the greats in acting. He does not ‘act’, but he becomes that character. He transforms into the person in that era or time, and you forget he is ‘Sean Penn’. Actors like him inspire me!