1. What’s your Ethnicity?
My father is Korean. I don’t know who and what my birth mother’s nationality is … long story.
2. What’s your Zodiac sign?
I’m an Aries on a Pisces cusp. That means I’m a strong fire sign but I can easily swim with the fishes.
3. Where are you originally from?
I was born in Boston. I spent my childhood years bouncing across the nation (Connecticut, Colorado, California) and went to High School in Colorado. Once I turned 18 and was on my own, I headed to Los Angles. I’ve also lived in NYC, Los Angeles and San Francisco. I think that makes me an “official” gypsy girl!
4. Tell us about your days growing up?
Growing up was a weird dynamic. My father was trying to raise 3 girls on his own. It was so hard and frustrating for him that he would just stop talking to us for months at a time. My sisters weren’t the most loving either. We definitely had a love-hate relationship. One of them actually tried to get me in trouble by planting weed in my drawer. HA HA True Story!!
5. What kind of mischief did you get into while growing up?
Wow. I have so many stories. In high school, my best friend found a serious amount of drugs in her “boyfriend’s” closet. We didn’t know what the hell we were doing, but we sold some of it to buy make up and flushed the rest. The boyfriend went nuts trying to figure out how it disappeared.
6. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
When I was 21, I was suppose to drive out to California from Colorado with $10,000 from my Dad to give to my Aunt. We stopped in Vegas. I got so drunk that I told my friend I’m going to bet it all on red. She told me that I didn’t have the balls. I did it. I’m not going to tell you what happened. If you see me at an appearance in person though, I promise I will tell you. 😛
7. What’s your favorite hobby and why?
I don’t have a favorite hobby at the moment. I get really into stuff, but the moment it could be considered a hobby, I’m bored with it. My last big “thing” was riding motorcycles…not little wussy motorcycles….I like custom-built heavy street machines. I bought one that my friend, Arlen Ness helped me custom built even before I knew how to ride it. I was determined to learn to ride it so I just went for it. It was a lot of fun!
8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Please don’t kill me….I like Rebecca Black’s Friday song. 😛
9. Who do you admire?
I admire ALL PEOPLE that move out of their comfort zone to experience life or make a difference in other people’s lives. I have A LOT of respect for Angelina Jolie. I wish people only knew how much of her life is spent in 3rd world countries caring for children. She doesn’t just talk about it for publicity. She is there in the middle of it more often than she is at home. I think most people with that kind of money would be on yachts and vacations 24/7.
10. What’s one of your personal goals?
I’m really excited about starting my own internet television site and developing content for other stations. The site will start with just a few shows, but eventually I will be seeking other talented people and allowing them to express themselves without all the censorship that tv brings. Yazook.com soft launches this summer and will have more programs added 2012. Be sure to check it out. It’s going to be a lot of fun!
11. What do guys compliment you on the most?
Guys compliment me the most of my parallel parking skills. If you ever watched me parallel park, you would have a new appreciation for women drivers. 😛
12. What’s your favorite body part on yourself?
I think most women worry more about what they don’t like about themselves than what they do. You won’t ever hear a woman say, “ God I love my ass, isn’t it amazing?” …And if you do, would you slap her for me? 😛
13. What’s your least favorite body part on yourself?
Don’t you worry bout that buddy!!
14. What do you look for in a guy?
I like someone that makes me laugh. I like a guy that is honest. I like a guy that makes his woman feel special. I think that’s what most girls want, yet it is so hard to find. I also don’t mind someone that can give a killer back massage. 😉
15. What’s the first thing you notice about a guy?
The first thing I notice about a guy is the way he treats other people.
16. What’s your ideal first date?
If a guy picks me up, takes me to meet Justin Timberlake backstage, then leaves us alone, that’s a great guy!! JUST KIDDING!! Just be a gentleman and don’t brag about what kind of car you drive, how much you get paid, or who you know. I don’t care about any of that! Just keep it real and make me smile!
17. What turns you on?
Someone that can speak 3 languages at the same time in 3 different voices 😛 Just kidding! I think making out is a big turn on … it’s so much fun!
18. What turns you off?
Sloppy drunks, Poor hygiene, People who can’t admit when they’re wrong & cockiness
19. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Men in Hollywood that think they can get with girls because of what project they are working on or because they once worked with Quentin Tarantino. SHUT UP!!

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