Man! I have a problem! I sleep walk! I really do. It sucks. I have been taking my MC so serious, BUT last night I ended up with spaghetti in my mouth!! Seriously! I sleptwalked into the kitchen, grabbed a bowl of 4 day old spaghetti, and was in the middle of a bite when Miss Tickles licked my foot. I woke up and said to myself, “What the hell am I doing?!” At sunrise, I felt like a failure. But it’s a new day. The only thing I could do was start fresh!
This morning, I went straight to the sauna to eliminate some spaghetti toxins. LOL. Sweating is one of the best ways to detox your body. I read that if you’re feeling aches or soreness while on the Master Cleanse it’s because of the heavy amounts of waste being released into your body as the cleansing process takes place. Your body will naturally dispose of this waste, but you can help it almong by sweating some of that waste out in the sauna. The sauna is also great for your complextion. 😉
This is an iPhone pix of me this morning in the sauna at about 156 degrees. I have a towel on because I thought that was standard for saunas. I say “I thought” because some other lady joined me and you’ll never guess what she was wearing. Actually, why don’t you take a guess… We’ll see if you’re right.
Well, I’ll talk to you later. I’m headed down to the Hardware store so that I can install a deadbolt on my fridge.

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