Today is St. Patrick’s Day, and for a lot of people that means green beer and “Danny Boy”. But I’m here to tell you . . . it’s all LIES! Here are the five biggest myths about St. Patrick’s Day . . .
Nope. He may be the patron saint of Ireland, but he was from Britain. Fifteen hundred years ago, he was kidnapped by raiders, taken to Ireland, and sold as a slave.
–He worked there for a few years, escaped, then returned to Ireland years later as a Christian missionary.
In fact, the color green used to be considered unlucky in Ireland. In Irish folklore, people who wore green were kidnapped by little fairies called “the Good People.”
–Green became associated with St. Patrick because he used the green three-leafed shamrock to symbolize the holy trinity of Catholicism.
#3.) IT’S A PARTY.
Today, that’s pretty much ALL we do to celebrate. But in Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day was a national holiday for religious observance. And until as recently as the 1970s, pubs there were closed on March 17th.
“Danny Boy” is probably the most famous “Irish” song. There’s only one problem: It was written by an English guy who never set foot in Ireland.
–His name was Frederick Weatherly, and he took some lyrics and set them to an Irish tune called the “Londonderry Air”. And the song “When Irish Eyes are Smiling”? It was written by Chauncey Olcott and George Graff Junior . . . both American.
Probably best not to bring this one up at a crowded Irish bar, but before the English colonized America, they colonized Ireland. And they screwed it up there too.
–In 1921, most of Ireland became its own country, with the capital in Dublin. But six counties in the north remained part of the U.K., called Northern Ireland. It was supposed to solve the troubles between the English and the Irish, but . . . not so much.

Wow thank you! This is so nice to read. But beware those songs: Danny Boy and When Irish eyes are smiling are the most famous songs to non-native Irish people. Oh and no we don’t all spend the whole day in the pub getting pissed – eh well a lot of us do. 🙂 Cool avatar though, would love to see ya in that outfit! THX SO MUCH! XO
Thanx for the history lesson! Very interesting! 🙂
Pretty interesting facts about it. Anyways, that day is very special to me. Because it’s my anniversary of coming here to America from the Philippines with my mother for the past 19 years!! That is the number 1 reason why I love that day!! ^_^
Oh 1 more thing “Paddy” was Welsh to be exact, and of course his real name i.e. before he was “christened” by the church, was not Patrick or “Paddy” as we call it. Oh and his name certainly wasn’t “Patty” – that’s a girls name! hehe 😀
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