Attention Boys and Girls! This is the reason why you should stay away from drugs.
Whitney Houston’s much publicized concert on ‘Good Morning America’ was cut short due to her lost voice. She apologized to the crowd in Central Park for overusing her voice on ‘Oprah’… or maybe it was because of the years of drug use that she lost her amazing voice. 🙁

i dont like using drugs myself but sometimes its the only haven.. if people could walk a mile in my shoes they would understand.. its hard being who i am, especially amongst people who treat you like you are invisible……….. things other people do like playing sports or going out to bars and clubs dont work for me.. im too small to play sports, nobody picks me..! haha.. and whenever i go out, bartenders ignore me and gurls look right over my head like im a midget.. when i try to say hi they look at me like i have the swine flu……… so what do i do..? go home and smoke a blunt.. at least marijuana doesnt discriminate based on my physical traits…….!
To Meyer,
There is something beautiful and interesting in ALL of us, I too was never picked because I was always so skinny and am not a particularly good looking man but I try to make up for short comings with my attitude towards live, my positive personality, and showing love to all whether they return it or not. I am a happy man and no one is ever going to ruin my day ever again.
Being kind to others and truly caring about fellow man has made me a better person and won me some awesome friends. REAL FRIENDS!
Whitney Houston didn’t overuse her voice at the Oprah Show. It was the cocaine that made her lose her voice. DAMN YOU Bobby Brown!!!
(She was my favorite singers back then…)
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